Wednesday, April 4, 2012


So what's the big deal with the IELTS?

I mean I know English and I really don't need anyone else to tell me whether or not I can communicate and understand the language!!

Anyways, as it goes DIAC won't take my word for it- and gave the IELTS I did.

I could not give it in Jan as earlier suggested- but that's a long story.I ended up giving it in the last week of March.

Do i really need to
prove my English proficiency!
The process itself was easy enough.

First things first :

Please Register.
In Kuwait atleast, there are lots of people appearing for the IELTS- I had to wait about a month after registering for the first available slot.
The IELTS is conducted every second week n Kuwait. 

Having registered online through the British Council, I was given 3 days to make the payment and complete all the registration formalities.

Having done that I decided to take the bull by the horns and took my IELTS preparations quite seriously - its a good thing I did.

Listening is not so much about understanding what is being spoken as it is about concentrating.
(I lost my concentration for about a couple of seconds during the real test itself - and lost 4 answers in the bargain. I guessed the answers and wrote them anyway (there are no negative marks for the wrong answers) - lets see how that goes- assuming i got all four wrong , i should get a 7.5 for listening hummmphh!!!)

Reading for some crazy reason was not my strong point- I read a lot , am an avid reader- but I just could not manage getting more than a 7.5 at all my practice tests. Well we'll soon find out how I actually did the real test!!

Practice, Practice ....
Writing - that was the easy part

Speaking - not bad just don't get nervous.

In all, it is pretty good and not that hard- but there is such a thing like over-confidence.

As and when you do give your IELTS here is my word of advice:

Practice :)

Until next time - Cheers!!

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