Sunday, September 23, 2012

Document Checklist - an explanation

NOTE: I am not a Migration Agent. Am only trying to be helpful through my posts. 
These points were valid at the time i applied namely May 2012. 
For the "latest" please check

I have just got back from a forum on migration.A lot of questions were regarding the nature of various Documents that DIAC asks for at the time of Visa Application.

I will try to explain it in the best way I can.

Document Checklist. (NOTE: This Checklist is available from Also each item has been well explained in their links provided. This list is only intended as a guide and not the final word- for latest info. , please go to

Basic Eligibility Requirements

1) A completed and signed application Form 1276.
this was valid for for those applying in 2012 BEFORE the new EOI kicked in (July 2012)- no idea about what it is now.

2) Payment of the correct Visa Application Charge.
We made a credit Card transfer for AUD 2960/- at the time. Please check with your bank as well as I have found that some banks block certain transactions unless previously intimated.

3) Evidence of the main applicant’s age.
I submitted my Baptism Certificate. You can also submit your Birth Certificate (it needs to be in English, if not have it translated and then certified). Both your parents name has to be clearly shown as well.

4) Evidence that the main applicant meets the English language threshold.
IELTS Marks/Results Card

5) Satisfactory skills assessment for the main applicant’s nominated occupation on the relevant
Skilled Occupation List (SOL).
 Find which Authorizing Body you need to get your skills assessed from - and attach their certificate.

6) Evidence of recent Australian Study.
I had none.

7) Evidence of recent work experience.
An experience letter from your current employer stating your designation, terms of contract ( Dates or period of work, permanent/ Full time etc. ) and job responsibilities entailed.

8) Health (do not undertake until requested to do so).
Every country has an assigned Panel Doctor set out on website.Visit that doctor and go through any tests they ask you to.

9) Character (do not apply for police clearances until requested to do so).
Local Police Clearance Certificates.

Additional evidence for points test requirements (where applicable) 

10) Evidence of English language ability if claiming additional points for having proficient or
superior English
IELTS Marks/Results Card

11) Evidence of partner skills.
I did not use this - if you do use, it is the same as point 5) above.

12) Evidence of Australian or overseas skilled employment experience in the applicant’s nominated
or closely related occupation.
All Employment reference letters, Payslips (random) , Bank Statements (for proof of salary transfers)

13) Evidence of study and residence in a regional/low population growth metropolitan area.
I had none.

14) Evidence of completion of a recognised Professional Year in Australia.
I had none.

15) Evidence of NAATI accreditation in a Credentialled Community language

I had none.

Personal documents for all applicants  

16)Certified copy of passport bio data page for all applicants.

17) Certified copies of birth certificates or other evidence of age, showing names of both parents,
for all persons in the application.
Birth Certificates in English  or Baptism Certificates.

18) If you or any applicants are married, certified copies of marriage certificate(s) and evidence you
are in a genuine and continuing relationship.
If you or any applicants are in a de facto relationship, independent evidence that you have been
living in a genuine and continuing relationship for at least 12 months.

19) If you or any applicants have been divorced or permanently separated please provide certified
copies of the divorce document(s) or statutory declaration/separation certificate as appropriate.

20) If your partner does not intend to migrate with you provide a statement explaining why and if
they intend to join you in the future.

21)If you or any applicant has been widowed, please provide a certified copy of the death

22) Evidence of functional English language ability for all applicants over 18 years of age.
An IELTS exam or A letter from University stating course studied was in English.

23)Completed form 80 for each person aged 16 years and over.

24)Two recent passport photographs (45mmx35mm) for all applicants and any dependents who
are not migrating.


  1. Hello,

    How many points were you able to score on the points table in total.. How close does the call go?

    1. Hi Vick,
      When we applied we had 65 points. What do you mean how close does the call go?

  2. Well how much chance for a 65 cos it's just the least

    1. Hi Vick,
      You will be surprised. Lots of people i know at migration forums were invited to apply at the base points of 65, after the new system of EOI kicked in.
      At the time we applied the requirement was this (EOI - had not come into force yet) and we were assigned a CO in just 3 months - I got my visa a month later!!
      So you see, you really need to try- if thats what you really want to do.
      Most importantly you need to check if you're skills are required by them or not.

  3. Hi,
    Ur blog is very helpful for us, i would like to clarify about the B.Arch certificates & Ielts:
    1. Did u provide them ur final mark list copy, provisional certificate.
    2. Is provisional certificate fine to apply for this process as at present i have only my provisional certificates with me and the degree certificate will get after 6 months.
    3. May i know what they asked u during ur speaking test.

    1. Hi Anon,

      I had my Final marks lists with me as I graduated a while ago. In fact, i gave them certified copies of ALL my Mark Lists.

      2. Since you will be spending approximately AUD1500 for your Skills Assesment i do think, you should wait for your Final marks lists and only then submit your documents.
      AACA is one of the hardest assessing bodies to get a positive outcome from - you don't want to mess that up and send the incorrect docs.

      3. Speaking tests were very general and felt like a conversation you would have with any person you meet for the first time.
      I don't remember specifics, but it had to do with my work experience and cultural experiences. There were questions pertaining to my likes and dislikes.
      All the best!!

    2. Thank you for ur prompt reply. hope ull update ur exp in aus.
