Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Where do we go from here??? ?????

If getting,
 all our documents in place -
nerve wrecking waiting -
was not enough ....the next hurdle we need to somehow get through is WHERE do we go now??

Since the Visa Grant - I have been having dreams about different places in Australia.

To be honest, my first choice is:


The weather sounds fabulous - not as cold as Melbourne or Sydney.
Its not as "big" as Melbourne or Sydney - yet sufficiently big.
Sounds like the perfect place to raise a family.
Lots to see with regards to the great outdoors and nature.

Its just too far away!! far away from Melbourne or Sydney.
Should the need ever arise - it would be an adventure on its own to travel the distance to meet family!

Second choice is:


Lost to do, and see
Family Friendly
Compared to Sydney -  Affordable
Lots more Job opportunities than Perth

Too cold!!!!!!

Third Choice is :


Well, just because....
It's Sydney - besides it being multi-cultural , it is a tad warmer than Melbourne
Lots more job ops
Loads , loads happening

Too expensive to make a home.
Too much of a city -  feel "lost" in the midst of so much and so many!

And we have till Summer (Winter in Ozzie land) to make up our minds!!!!

Visa labels

Australian Visas are essentially electronic and technically Label Free.
That means, you do not need a Visa label in your passport to travel to Australia. All you need is your Visa Grant letter (with the IMPORTANT Visa numbers in it) and the airline will check your validity and let you board the flight.

That said, i have heard too many cautionary messages to let this pass. I intend to get my Visa Label on my passport. After all the money, time and effort spent - I would really hate some ill informed airline staff refuse me boarding access!!

So I will be playing it safe and get my Visa label on my passport!!!

Here is an excerpt from immi.gov.au

 " Expansion of Label-Free Travel
Note: Each person travelling to Australia will still need to apply for and be granted an appropriate Australian visa before travelling to Australia.  " 
From 1 October 2012, Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, India, Sri Lanka, the Maldives, Mongolia and Nepal have been included in the list of countries that will be able to travel to Australia without a visa label in their passport. This is known as 'label-free' travel, making travel to Australia simpler and more secure. 
Label-free travel means people travelling to Australia will not require an Australian visa label as evidence of the grant of an Australia visa. Instead they will receive a grant letter that clearly explains the conditions of their visa. A visa label is not required as Australia's electronic system enables visa status to be confirmed electronically.   "

I really dont know which other countries figure in their "list" - if anyone does know - please be most helpful and educate me!!!
All the best!!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Benefits of Australian PR

After the initial excitement on gaining an Australian Permanent Resident Visa. 
I think its only fair - i educate myself (and you)  on its advantages. 
Here's what i learnt so far - courtesy the internet and good friends : 
First of all, 

Who is a Permanent Resident? 
A PR is a non-Australian citizen - who has been granted permission to live indefinitely in Australia. 

Benefits of permanent resident status include:

  • You can work in any field in Australia , under any employer . Some  Government & Defence jobs a re however restricted to citizens.
  • You may apply for Citizenship after fulfilling some criteria.  (normally about 4 years  stay and some others)
  • You may sponsor relatives for permanent residence, subject to fulfilling residence criteria and assurance of support requirements.
  • All Children born inside Australia (to PR Parents) will be Australian citizens by birth.
  • Access to medical and social security benefits, though there is a 2-year waiting period for some benefits.
  • You may  travel to New Zealand without applying for a New Zealand visa. (this right is not "inherited" - it depends on New Zealand government policy) 
  • Unrestricted rights to live, work and study in New Zealand. (This right is granted by the New Zealand government.)
  • On the Education front - access to Free primary & secondary education in Public Schools.
  • Tertiary Education has "domestic" fees as opposed to International Student fees. 
  • Real Estate , an incentive (financial )is normally awarded as a First Home Owner Grant. Stamp Duty is waivered on the same grant.
  • Security Benefits include: 
  1. Loss of one's job , does not mean having t leave Australia
  2. In case of ill health / loss of job/ death etc. the individual and other dependent members of the family can continue living as permanent residents
  3. Children who grow older and get independant do not need a fresh application process to continue living in Australia. They are already Permanent Residents and can continue being so. 
There are certain responsibilities to fulfill for all the benefits received: 
  • You must pay tax. You are part of their system. (once you actually start to reside in Australia) 
  • If you do leave Australia - you will not have automatic access to "retirement" / superannuation finances set aside. You need to wait till you have reached retirement age
  • While you can use an overseas obtained Drivers license for upto 3 months, you MUST obtain an Australian Drivers license within that time to continue driving.
Information Courtesy : Britsh Expats  /   Wikipedia  /  DIAC